Portuguese Edição Especial Marvel A Guerra das Estrelas
Agencia Portuguesa de Revisitas published Portuguese editions of Marvel Special Edition Star Wars #1 and 2 in 1978. They are treasury format and the covers are remarkably similar to the U.S. editions including the colors used. The interior pages are black and white however.
Edição Especial Marvel A Guerra das Estrelas #1a - Agência Portuguesa de Revistas, Portugal (1978) Marvel Special Edition Star Wars #1Edição Especial Marvel A Guerra das Estrelas #2a - Agência Portuguesa de Revistas, Portugal (1978) Marvel Special Edition Star Wars #2
I want to point out that these Star Wars comics are from Portugal, because there is also a Brazilian translation of the Marvel Star Wars comic adaptation which is also published in Portuguese. Portugal had a small population of just 9.558 million people, less than 1/10 the size of Brazil's population of 116.2 million people . The Brazilian adaptation of the Marvel Star Wars comic adaptation is more commonly found. Despite the same Portuguese language, Star Wars was called Guerra nas Estrelas in Brazil, not Guerra das Estrelas like in Portugal.
I have one of nr 2 to sell ... if anyone interested ...