Marvel Comics announced a new Lando 5 issue mini-series that will start in July 2015. Since Lando Calrissian's first appearance in The Empire Strikes Back, he has had a prominent role in Marvel's original Star Wars title, filling the vacancy left by Han Solo. Two issues after the Marvel adaptation of The Empire Strikes Back ended, Lando would co-star with Chewbacca in Star Wars #46 in a story titled The Dreams of Cody Sunn-Childe!
Star Wars #46a - Marvel Comics, U.S. (April 1981) NewsstandStar Wars #46b - Marvel Comics, U.S. (April 1981) Direct
The story starts like many of the post-The Empire Strikes Back tales, with Chewbacca and Lando in the Millennium Falcon searching for Han Solo. The Falcon encounters drive problems and is ripped from normal space and crash lands on a floating island with a large domed city in an alternate dimension. There, they are attacked by a humanoid beast but are saved by another humanoid which looks remarkably similar to the beast called Cody Sunn-Childe. Cody takes Lando and Chewbacca to the city with other inhabitants. At the city, we learn Cody was part of the Rebellion who, along with his fellow Rebels, had a reputation for violence. In his final battle, he fell into a hole where he encountered subterranean beings called the M'usts where he gained incredible powers and was taught about peace. Cody swore off his life of violence and created the island and domed city with his powers and he brought his Rebel companions to live in this domed city in peace. Lando scold Cody for forsaking the war against the Empire and not using his powers to help. As Lando slaps Cody, several more humanoid beasts attack and Cody Sunn-Childe quickly dispatches them and we learn they are actually his repressed violence. Meanwhile, in normal space, a fleet of Star Destroyers led by the female Captain Plikk discovered the tear the Falcon made in space to Cody's alternate dimension. They proceed to open the tear further by firing lasers at it, creating a door to enter the dimension. They succeed in breaking through to the alternate dimension as Lando, now working on repairing the Falcon, is lecturing Cody on his responsibilities to those he left behind. The Star Destroyers begin attacking the city and Lando takes off with Chewbacca in the Millennium Falcon on a suicide mission to confront the fleet. Cody Sunn-Childe is enraged by the attack and unleashes his violence in the form of giant beasts which attack the Star Destroyers. Cody changes his mind though and recalls his beasts. The fleet proceeds to destroy the city, killing everyone in it. A distraught Lando on board the Falcon oversees the destruction and along with Chewbacca leaves the alternate dimension. The Star Destroyers used their remaining power to destroy the city and are unable to follow the Falcon as the dimension's doorway closes.
Originally, the story was written with Lando Calrissian agreeing with Cody Sunn-Childe's decision to die instead of fighting at the end, but Lucasfilm asked for the ending to be changed to show that Lando disagreed with Cody. For this reason, John Marc DeMatteis asked that his name not be used as the writer of this issue, but instead the pseudonym Wally Lombego was used.[1]
This was the first of many Lando Calrissian centered stories in the Marvel Star Wars title.
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