Boba Fett has a small role in Star Wars: Dark Empire. His appearance is foreshadowed when a derelict ship that looks like the Slave I is shown in orbit around the moon Nar Shaddaa when the Millennium Falcon arrives with Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, and C-3PO aboard. They are there to get help traveling to the planet Byss, the center of the rejuvenated Imperial controlled space and the location of Luke Skywalker. Han Solo is betrayed by one of his contacts, Mako, when Boba Fett, Dengar, and a few new bounty hunters show up to capture him. Han has a bounty on him for the death of Jabba. Our heroes, receiving help from Han's old girlfriend Salla Zend and friend Shug Ninx, escape the bounty hunters who give chase aboard Slave II. The Slave II is severely damaged by security shields when approaching the planet Byss following the Falcon.

Boba Fett's appearance in Star Wars: Dark Empire II is also brief, but some of his backstory is revealed. He also appears on two covers which coincide with his use in the story.
On Nar Shaddaa, Boba Fett is approached by two Imperial dark-side warriors. They tell Fett he is to work for the Empire for no pay or they will divulge that Fett was an Imperial Stormtrooper who murdered his superior officer. Fett attacks the dark-side warriors and escapes aboard Slave I. Meanwhile, the Millennium Falcon with Han, Leia, Chewbacca, Salla, and Shug returns to Nar Shaddaa so Leia can find an old female Jedi named Vima Da-Boda. They are attacked by the Imperials and Han, Leia, and Chewbacca board the Falcon and are subsequently attacked by Slave I piloted by Fett. They escape and resume their search for Vima. When they find Vima, Boba Fett attacks them again. This time, Chewbacca rips Fett's helmet off and ignites Fett's rockets which send him careening into the ceiling. It is interesting to note that Chewbacca is shot by Boba Fett in this sequence, not unlike him getting shot in The Force Awakens.

"Once again Boba Fett underestimates Han Solo's abilities... and his luck! With all its systems shorted out and its new reactor at critical mass, Slave I spins out of control into the radioactive gas cloud." The next panel shows Leia and Han at the controls of the Falcon and Han Solo exclaims, "Didja see that flash? I got a feelin' we'll never see him again! I'm gonna miss him. Where to, Leia?"

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