The lead story in this digest-sized Indonesian comic features Tarzan and is titled Elang Maut or Eagles of Death. The backup story is the Star Wars tale Manusia Lumpur (Lanjutan Dari "Lumpur Galaxy") or Human Sludge (Continued From "The Mud Of the Galaxy"). It appears to be an ongoing serial and the last panel on the last page says Pembajak Pikiran & Alderaan or Pirate Minds & Alderaan which might be the title of the next chapter.
Both stories have a box on the first page which is like an abbreviated indicia which says when the story was registered. The Tarzan story was registered on 20-2-1981 and the Star Wars story was registered on 15-10-1980. I have seen these boxes in other Indonesia Star Wars comics, but because of the different dates for the stories inside, it is hard to say exactly when these comics were published. Like the other Indonesian comics I have show, it was most likely published sometime in the early 1980s.
Tarzan: Elang Maut a - Yayasan Karya Bhakti Bandung, Indonesia (1980s) original Star Wars story
I have not seen this particular Star Wars story in another Indonesian comic and the implication that it is just one chapter in an ongoing series has me excited to track down other issues.
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