Star Wars (1998) #13 kicks off the 6 part Emissaries to Malastare story arc. The issue begins with the Dark Woman testing A'Sharad Hett in the Jedi Temple. Afterwards, the Dark Woman asks Ki-Adi Mundi if it was true that Aurra Sing, her former Padawan, was on Tatooine and killed Sharad Hett. Ki-Adi confirms it was Aurra. Later, the Jedi Council convenes and picks six volunteers from the council to travel to Malastare to broker a peace between the planet Lannik, Jedi Master Even Piell's homeworld, and a terrorist organization called Red Iaro.
The cover shows the Dark Woman testing A'Sharad Hett in a lightsaber duel. During the duel, the Dark Woman employs unorthodox methods of testing A'Sharad, including insulting his Tusken Raider heritage. In the end, A'Sharad remains calm by citing Jedi phrases taught to him by his father and passes the tests.
Star Wars #13a - Dark Horse Comics, U.S. (December 1999) direct
It is the cover to the newsstand edition of Star Wars #13 that is interesting. The UPC box has a sticker.
Star Wars #13b - Dark Horse Comics, U.S. (December 1999) newsstand
I actually noticed the sticker when I bought this other newsstand copy of Star Wars #13 because the sticker covers up the words "Star Wars". Interestingly, the numbers on the sticker appear to match the numbers printed in the UPC box. It is not clear what is different on the printed copy that warrants the sticker.
Star Wars #13b - Dark Horse Comics, U.S. (December 1999) newsstand UPC sticker
After some investigation, I believe every newsstand copy of Star Wars #13 has this sticker.
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