Dark Empire II Promotional Trading Cards DH1 - DH3 Comics
In October 1994 Dark Horse release 3 comics that came polybagged with a Topps trading card. The cards were a cross promotion for Topps' Star Wars Galaxy trading cards and Dark Horse's Dark Empire II mini-series and are labelled DH1 - DH3. The front of each card shows art from the Dark Empire II mini-series and the back has another smaller picture along with text.
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith #1 is a 6-issue mini-series that follows the continuing adventures of Nomi Sunrider and Ulic Qel-Droma.
Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith #1a - Dark Horse, U.S. (October 1994) came with DH1 trading card
This comic came with the DH1 trading card depicting War Droids.
DH1 War Droids (October 1994)DH1 War Droids (October 1994) back
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures #3 is the third issue of the series that collects the Russ Manning newspaper strips.
Classic Star Wars: The Early Adventures #3a - Dark Horse, U.S. (October 1994) came with DH2 trading card
This comic came with the DH2 trading card depicting Boba Fett.
DH2 Boba Fett (October 1994)DH2 Boba Fett (October 1994) back
Classic Star Wars: Return of the Jedi #1 reprints the first 2 issues of the Marvel adaptation of Return of the Jedi.
Classic Star Wars: Return of the Jedi #1a - Dark Horse, U.S. (October 1994) came with DH3 trading card
This comic came with the DH3 trading card depicting the Millennium Falcon.
DH3 Millennium Falcon (October 1994)DH3 Millennium Falcon (October 1994) back
This was not the first time Dark Horse and Topps would cross promote their products. Classic Star Wars #8 and 20 both came polybagged with cards promoting the Star Wars Galaxy trading cards.
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