Replica of Imperial STORMTROOPERS "HOVERCRAFT" VEHICLE holds 11 Action Figures. 6 STAR WARS sounds: C-3PO, R2-D2, STORMTROOPER, and others. Front hatch opens. Manual rotating laser gun and swiveling radar disk. 6 side compartments hold prisoners. Action Figures, batteries not included.
While the text for this vehicle says the side compartments are for prisoners, most of the advertisement photos show Imperial Stormtroopers occupying those 6 side compartments.
The Imperial Troop Transporter appears in the stories for Star Wars #31 and #32. Star Wars #32 is titled The Jawa Express for good reason; Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 hitch a ride on a Jawa Sandcrawler to escape from Imperial Stormtroopers. We see Baron Orman Tagge and his brother Silas Tagge use a Troop Transporter to visit a successful demonstration of the Omega Frost weapon on another Sandcrawler and then use the Transporter's laser gun to destroy the frozen heap. Towards the end of the tale, we get to see our heroes in a Sandcrawler take on several Troop Transporters.

last third of Star Wars #32
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