O Incrivel Hulk is a digest-sized anthology title from publisher Editora Abril. Running for 165 issues from 1983 to 1997, the primary focus of the title is the Incredible Hulk and some issues do contain Star Wars. During a period when Portuguese translations of U.S. superhero material was abundant for Brazilian comic readers, there are surprising very few Star Wars issues available. Only thirteen issues of O Incrivel Hulk contain translations of Star Wars comics: #25 - 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 43, 47, and 48.
The Empire Strikes Back movie adaptation starts in O Incrivel Hulk #25 and runs for three issues. Each issue contains two chapters of the adaptation.
O Incrivel Hulk #25a - Editora Abril, Brazil (July 1985) contains Star Wars #39 and 40O Incrivel Hulk #26a - Editora Abril, Brazil (August 1985) contains Star Wars #41 and 42O Incrivel Hulk #27a - Editora Abril, Brazil (September 1985) contains Star Wars #43 and 44
Walt Simonson's first artwork on the U.S. Star Wars title is issue #16 which introduced Valance the Hunter. He starts a fourteen issue run with Star Wars #49 and that is the next issue Editora Abril translates after the movie adaptation, skipping Star Wars #45 - 48. Probably not coincidentally, Walt Simonson's artwork ends with Star Wars #62 (although he writes #65 and pencils #66) and Editorial Abril stops publishing with issue #63 which more or less concludes the story arc where Luke Skywalker is thought to be a traitor for killing Shira Brie. (Luke's actual trial is in the opening pages of issue #65 where he is found innocent.) The only issues they do not published of Simonson's art run are Star Wars #53 and 54.
O Incrivel Hulk #29a - Editora Abril, Brazil (November 1985) contains Star Wars #49O Incrivel Hulk #31a - Editora Abril, Brazil (January 1986) contains Star Wars #50O Incrivel Hulk #33a - Editora Abril, Brazil (March 1986) contains Star Wars #51 and 52O Incrivel Hulk #35a - Editora Abril, Brazil (May 1986) contains Star Wars #55O Incrivel Hulk #36a - Editora Abril, Brazil (June 1986) contains Star Wars #56 and 57O Incrivel Hulk #38a - Editora Abril, Brazil (August 1986) contains Star Wars #58O Incrivel Hulk #39a - Editora Abril, Brazil (September 1986) contains Star Wars #59
The Star Wars issues prior to O Incrivel Hulk #43 use perfect binding. Issue #43, 47, and 48 are all saddle stitched, making these issues a little tougher to find in nice condition.
O Incrivel Hulk #43a - Editora Abril, Brazil (January 1987) contains Star Wars #60O Incrivel Hulk #47a - Editora Abril, Brazil (May 1987) contains Star Wars #61O Incrivel Hulk #48a - Editora Abril, Brazil (June 1987) contains Star Wars #62 and 63
In 1978, Bloch Editores published the 100 page, magazine-sized Guerra nas Estrelas which translates the Marvel Star Wars movie adaptation for Brazilian readers. Then Editora April translated the nineteen Marvel Star Wars issues for the O Incrivel Hulk title shown above. Several Ewoks issues are also translated to Portuguese in the late 1980s, but it is not until the Dark Horse era that Star Wars comics would be published in Brazil in large numbers.
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