The deleted Jabba the Hutt scene was reinserted into A New Hope for the Special Edition released way back in January 1997. A CGI version of the large, slug-like alien from Return of the Jedi was placed over the actor who originally played the part and other elements of the scene were manipulated including the insertion of Boba Fett. The initial CGI used for Jabba were not very good, so when the movies were released in 2004 on DVD, the CGI effects were updated.
Prior to his appearance in Return of the Jedi, the image many Star Wars comic fans had of Jabba the Hutt were based on Marvel's comic adaptation of A New Hope. The deleted scene where Jabba confronts Han Solo at Docking Bay 94 are in the comic, but instead of using the image of the actor, a walrus faced alien is used. Star Wars #2 page 13 - Marvel Comics, U.S. (August 1977)
Outside of the visuals, most of the scene plays out like it does in the movie. Jabba, surrounded by his henchmen, is calling out to Han believing he is aboard the Millennium Falcon. Han approaches from behind and Jabba mentions the incident with the spice. Han explains why he dumped the spice and promises to pay Jabba extra. Jabba accepts Han's offer, but warns him of the consequences of failing to pay him back.
Star Wars #2 page 14 - Marvel Comics, U.S. (August 1977)
The images used by Marvel for Jabba and his henchmen were not invented for the comic, but instead are based on background aliens in Mos Eisley. Jabba looks like a Nimbanel, one henchman looks like a Lutrillian, and the other henchman looks like a Snivvian. All three aliens species can be seen in this photo:
Assorted Mos Eisley Aliens
If you look closely at the artwork in the panels showing Jabba and his men, the blue-faced alien that looks like a Snivvian even has a hunchback.
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