Star Wars/Perang Antariksa was published by CV Pelita Indonesia and is divided into two chapters, one for each story arc. The two story arcs are from the Star Wars daily newspaper strips. The strips appear to be printed exactly as they were published in the U.S., complete with English word balloons, and below each strip is the Indonesian translation. The strips are published two per page and are presented in their original black and white. The title of the comic is in English and has the Indonesian Translation Perang Antariksa or Space War which is a variation on the typical Perang Bintang or Star War.
Known as Iceworld to U.S. readers, the first chapter is titled Pertarungan di Planet Salju "Hoth" or Battle on the Ice-Planet Hoth. Iceworld was originally published from October 4, 1982 through November 14, 1982. The second chapter is known in the U.S. as Revenge of the Jedi but in this comic is titled Ledakan di Danau Lumpur Planet Daluuj or Explosion in the Mudlake of Planet Daluuj. Revenge of the Jedi was originally published from November 15, 1982 through January 23, 1983. It does not appear that every daily strip for these story arcs are included in the book; the last chapter ends with the daily from January 22, not the final daily from January 23. Anyone familiar with newspaper strips understands the content tends to repeat, so the overall intent of the story would not be lost if the occasional daily strip is missed as is the case here.
Star Wars/Perang Antariksa a - CV Pelita Indonesia, Indonesia (1990s) Star Wars newspaper strips
I am guessing this comic was published sometime in the 1990s. It is slightly wider than a standard comic and is published sideways to accommodate two strips on top of each other. The cover artwork consists of several images taken from the colored Sunday strips.
Star Wars/Perang Antariksa a - CV Pelita Indonesia, Indonesia (1990s) back cover
The back cover appears to be an advertisement for a series of books that answer questions for children about all manner of things pertaining to the world. "Menjawab lebih dari 70 pertanyaan yang paling sering ditanyakan anak - anak dan remaja" or "Answering more than 70 questions most frequently asked of children and adolescents".
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