Saturday, November 23, 2024

Modern Marvel

Star Wars: Captain Phasma #4

Captain Phasma jumps from the cliff into the R'ora village and begins killing them.  She is soon joined by TN-3465 and eventually the Lup'ror they befriended.  With the R'ora occupied, Captain Phasma spots a tower where the R'ora keep Lieutenant Sol Rivas.  In the tower, Rivas is tied up and severly beaten.  Phasma orders Rivas to confess, but he instead tells her he knows she is one one who lowered the shields.  Without receiving the fake confession, Phasma kills Rivas and the entire exchange was overheard by TN-3465.

TN-3465 meets up with Phasma and does not let on she knows the truth about Phasma.  TN-3465 has misgivings about setting up the Lup'ror to fight the R'ora but they leave the island to return to their TIE Fighter anyway.  Back at their spacecraft, TN-3465 prepares for departure while Phasma destroys the BB unit.  Phasma then kills TN-3465, tying up the final loose end.  She boards the fighter and takes off.  While leaving the planet, she records the events that occurred on the planet, accusing Rivas of killing TN-3465.

The story ends with Phasma rejoining the First Order fleet.  Aboard the battlecruiser, The Finalizer, she recounts her version of events to General Hux.

General Hux: I should have known that even an exploding planet could not kill you, nor impede your devotion to the First Order, Phasma.

Captain Phasma: Indeed.

There are four generic covers for this issue which could be used for any comic that features Captain Phasma.  I'm not a big fan of covers that do not relate to the interior story.  They are all decent covers, but nothing that stands out.

Star Wars: Captain Phasma #4a - Marvel Comics, U.S. (October 2017)
Star Wars: Captain Phasma #4b - Marvel Comics, U.S. (October 2017)
movie variant
Star Wars: Captain Phasma #4c - Marvel Comics, U.S. (October 2017)
Elsa Charretier variant
Star Wars: Captain Phasma #4d - Marvel Comics, U.S. (October 2017)
Rod Reis variant
The story told in the 4-issue mini-series is solid and enjoyable.  Captain Phasma's ruthlessness is apparent in the final issue when she does not help the Lup'ror colonist and kills both Rivas and TN-3465 at point blank range.  I want to read other stories about her to see if they explain just why she is with the First Order, since it is apparent she is not indoctrinated to their cause.

While I like the tale, this 4-issue series could have been told in one issue and is typical of decompressed storytelling these day.  This final issue has six full splash pages and several pages with just 2-4 panels.  The art by Marco Checchetto is nice, but the padding is noticeable.  I recommend the series, but with the warning that it is a quick read.

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