Star Jaws is a fan-made title published in the U.K. by Robin Barnard's Barnstormer Comics. Most issues are 20 pages with black and white interiors and color covers. Star Jaws is a Star Wars parody comic designed to appeal to fans of the British Star Wars Weekly title. Each issue starts with a Who's Who in Star Jaws page like the weekly publication it is model after. The main stories are taken directly from Marvel comics. The first 3 issues are the Star Jaws story from Spidey Super Stories #31 which is a Star Wars parody featuring Spider-Man, Moondragon, Marvel Boy, and Doctor Doom. These first 3 issues use the same pages, including word balloons, from the Marvel comic. Also included in the third issue is the backup story Melinda Gebbie creates a Universe ... which uses the same pages as Alan Moore's Tilotny Throws a Shape story from The Empire Strikes Back Monthly #154 except the dialogue is changed.
Star Jaws #1a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (January 2016) Spidey Super Stories #31Star Jaws #2a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (February 2016) Spidey Super Stories #31Star Jaws #3a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (March 2016) Spidey Super Stories #31
Issue #4 continues to use pages from the Marvel comics, starting with Star Wars #7, also with altered dialogue. Each Marvel story is split across 3 issues just like the Star Wars Weekly title. The Who's Who page introduces the characters that will be the focus of the remaining issues:
Han Solo is Robert Grayson
Chewbacca is Paul "The Other One" (Paul the Gorilla is featured in several Spidey Super Stories issues, including the story in issue #31)
Princess Leia is Princess Heather
Luke Skywalker is Wendell Vaughn
C-3PO is Cray-Z
R2-D2 is RURUDE2
A backup story called OIK's begins in issue #4. This backup, like the main story, are pages from Marvel comics with modified dialogue, this time from the 1986 Droids title. This issue also begins an editorial page View From the Tower by Andy Smith.
Most of the covers are by Martin Hand, who also contributes a page or two of interior artwork every issue which feature mostly Marvel's space-faring heroes. The covers, like the interior pages by Martin Hand, will look familiar because they are redrawn artwork from Marvel.
Star Jaws #4a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (April 2016) spoof; Star Wars #7Star Jaws #5a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (May 2016) spoof; Star Wars #7Star Jaws #6a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (June 2016) spoof; Star Wars #7
Star Jaws #1 - 6 are saddle stitched, but with issue #7 it is just single pages with two staples on the left-hand side.
Star Jaws #7a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (July 2016) spoof; Star Wars #8Star Jaws #8a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (August 2016) spoof; Star Wars #8Star Jaws #9a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (September 2016) spoof; Star Wars #8Star Jaws #10a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (October 2016) spoof; Star Wars #9Star Jaws #11a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (November 2016) spoof; Star Wars #9Star Jaws #12a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (December 2016) spoof; Star Wars #9Star Jaws #13a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (January 2017) spoof; Star Wars #10Star Jaws #14a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (February 2017) spoof; Star Wars #10Star Jaws #15a - Barnstormer Comics, U.K. (March 2017) spoof; Star Wars #10
The A in Jaws from the title on the cover is taken from the shark on the cover of Spidey Super Stories #16 which itself is a parody of the shark from the movie Jaws.
Starting with Star Jaws #16 the comic was only available digitally. It ran until issue #23 in November 2017. The title began publication again in April 2019. Every issues, including those that were physically printed, are available digitally on Robin Barnard's blog Images Degraded Forever.
Wow, Ron - thanks for posting this - STAR JAWS is now up to issue 46!