Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Modern Marvel

Star Wars: Lando #5

The fifth issue concludes the Star Wars: Lando mini-series.  Chanath Cha is planning on destroying the Imperialis rather than capture Lando Calrissian and his crew.  Lando tries appealing to Chanath but she hesitates to active the self-destruct when Lando tells her Lobot is aboard and hurt.  As they discuss this, the aliens Aleksin and Pavol enter the room and threaten to kill everyone.  Aleksin offers to share the secrets of the Sith artifacts with the Ugnaught Korin Pers.  Korin is handed Sith Lord Momin's helmet and claims to understand as Aleksin kills her.  Chanath and Lobot escape and split up, agreeing to meet back at the airlocks.  Chanath heads off to dock the starship Scimitar while Lando goes to fetch Lobot from the medical bay.

As Lando helps Lobot through the corridors of the ship, Aleksin blocks their path.  Meanwhile, Chanath is at the airlock communicating with the droid O-66 on the Scimitar but it refuses to dock the Scimitar with the Imperialis since Chanath has activate the self-destruct mechanism.  As she watches the Scimitar fly away, Chanath is suddenly attacked by Pavol.  Back in the corridors, Lando attempts to negotiate with Aleksin, explaining Aleksin needs him to help deactive the self-destruct sequence.  When Aleksin lowers his guard, Lando shoots him dead with his blaster.  Lando and Lobot catch up with Chanath at the airlock and she informs them of her difficulties retrieving the other ship.  Lobot is plugged into the ship.  He is unable to override the self-destruct, but he is able to reactive the escape pods but his cybernetics implants are successful in taking over his brain.

At the escape pods, Chanath decides to leave on her own while Lando and Lobot depart in another pod.  The Imperialis explodes as Lando promises to cure Lobot.  The story ends with a pre-recorded Lobot speaking to Lando.  He tells Lando he does not regret his choices and Lando should use his powers of persuasion to do something good.

The story wraps up satisfactorily and neatly.  Lobot ends the story in the condition we find him in The Empire Strikes Back and Lando is presumably inspired to assume his role as administrator of Cloud City by the recording.  Chanath Cha and O-66 are the only non-movie characters to survive the ordeal and Chanath does appear in future comics.  The Scimitar was the starship used by Darth Maul in the Phantom Menace.

Star Wars: Lando #5a - Marvel Comics, U.S. (October 2015)
Star Wars: Lando #5b - Marvel Comics, U.S. (October 2015)
Lord Momin's helmet would reappear in other Star Wars comics, most notably the 2017 Darth Vader title where the Mask of Lord Momin designs Vader's Fortress on Mustafar.

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