Thursday, October 10, 2024

Retro Dark Horse

Star Wars Tales #21

When longtime Star Wars comic editor Dave Land stepped down as editor on Star Wars Tales #20, the title underwent a significant change with subsequent issues.  Starting with issue #21, the story count in the anthology drops allowing for more substantial tales to be told.  All the stories are considered canonical and take place in Legends continuity.  There are three yarns in Star Wars Tales #21: Nomad (chapter 1), Walking the Path That's Given, and Equals and Opposites.

In the first chapter of Nomad, Darca Nyl lands on a planet in the outer rim and intervenes when local henchmen roughy capture and begin interrogating a boy.  Darca is wielding a green lightsaber and the henchmen immediately assumes he is a Jedi.  He is brought before Samuel, the local leader of the mining colony.  Samuel tells Darca the boy was with his daughter, Leddar, when she was kidnapped by Samuel's associate Royce.  Darca agrees to deliver the ransom for Samuel in exchange for information about a being named Lycan.  The story then jumps to Lycan.  A beggar asks the alien for money and then brags about knowing Jedi moves.  The alien kills the beggar with a red lightsaber and walks away.  Meanwhile, Darca and Samuel don exosuits for the journey to Royce.  In the desert, the alien Royce attacks Samuel.  Darca uses his exosuit as bait and is able to subdue Royce, but not before he tosses a grenade towards Leddar.  Royce surprisingly disarms the grenade and reveals he and Samuel are business partners whose relationship went bad when Samuel double crossed him.  The story ends with an apologetic Samuel holding Leddar leading Darca back to the colony.  Throughout the story, we are shown flashbacks to Darca's past.  It is clear from the flashbacks that Darca has a son who was killed by Lycan.  This explains his desire to help the boy Samuel's men captured as well as Samuel's daughter Leddar.

Walking the Path That's Given tells the story of Nas Ghent, a smuggler shot down by Imperials.  As Ghent crawls away from his wrecked spacecraft, he is confronted by Darth Vader, the pilot who shot him down, and is offered a position as an Imperial pilot in the Empire.  A few days later, an older model headhunter ship flies through Imperial patrols and lands on the Imperial Star Destroyer, the Crucible.  Commander Dorin Millavec is upset and heads down to the docking bay to handle the incident.  There, he meets the headhunter's pilot Ghent who he plans to interrogate, but Vader intervenes and explains Ghent is there under his protection.  He then instructs Millavec to assemble a squadron of seven of the best Imperial pilots to serve under Ghent.  Later, as Ghent is being cleaned up for service, Commander Millavic schemes with his subordinate Officer Resjic to kill Ghent.  Ghent is given a decommissioned TIE Fighter and sent out with pilots loyal to Millovic who are ordered to shoot him down.  Shortly afterwards, Ghent returns to the Crucible in the badly damaged TIE Fighter without the accompanying pilots.  Ghent is understandably mad and confronts Millavec, but Millavec lies and tells him Vader arranged the situation to test Ghent.  Millavec arranges for seven prisoners, not the best pilots, to serve under Ghent.  The story ends with Ghent vowing to mold the Black Eight Squadron in to the Empire's best flying unit.

Equals and Opposites is the first appearance of Kyle Katarn in a comic book.  Katarn is introduced in the LucasArts' Star Wars: Dark Forces first-person shooter video game and makes frequent appearances in Del Rey novels including the New Jedi Order, Legacy of the Force, and the Fate of the Jedi series.  In the story, Kyle Katarn is facing off against Yuuzhan Vong with his love interest Jan Ors.

The art cover for Star Wars Tales #21 shows Darth Vader flanked by Commander Dorin Millavec and Officer Resjic.  In the foreground are Vader's Advanced TIE Fighter and a trio of standard TIE Fighters.

Star Wars Tales #21a - Dark Horse Comics, U.S. (October 2004)
The photo cover features a montage of Imperial might surrounding Admiral Piett.  Admiral Piett does not appear in any of the stories inside the issue.

Star Wars Tales #21b - Dark Horse Comics, U.S. (October 2004)
photo variant

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