The Last Jedi! is the first of several consecutive issues penciled by Walt Simonson who drew Star Wars #16 years earlier. The story begins with Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, C-3PO, and R2-D2 aboard a Y-Wing Fighter investigating a distress signal. This Y-Wing Fighter is much larger than the one-man fighters we are accustomed to and it even uses landing gear like an airplane to land! Luke exists the spacecraft to investigate the signal and is attacked by a large hairy purple alien. He is rescued by Prince Denid who was forced to flee his home planet Velmor as a kid with his betrothed Loren and his alien protector Jedidiah and they crashed on the planet. Loren was killed and Jedidiah was injured by falling debris which robbed him of reason. Luke is instantly turned off by Jedidiah who is dressed in Jedi garb and he is even more dumbfounded to learn Jedidiah turned down an opportunity to train as a Jedi. A text box explains:
The thing is a walking parody of Luke Skywalker's highest, most revered goal ... and it makes his blood boil!
Prince Denid fled Velmor when the Empire overthrew the planet, killing his parents. His younger brother, Prince Anod, was an Imperial sympathizer and stayed behind. Having rescued Denid, they leave for Velmor. When they reach the planet, Leia disguises herself as Loren while Luke portrays the bounty hunter Korl Marcus. They interrupt the coronation of Anod who is about to be crowned by the regent of the past 20 years, Zelor. Also at the event is an Imperial delegate, Captain Traal. Prince Denid is tested and verified as the rightful heir of Velmor. A celebration is thrown to honor the return of Denid and Luke continues to denigrate Jedidiah when he tells C-3PO:
Luke Skywalker: Keep this crazy old guy away from me, will you Threepio? I'm gonna have enough trouble without babysitting him!
At the celebration, the regent Zelor challenges "Marcus" to a friendly duel with laser swords which Luke purposely loses to keep suspicions off him. Luke is then approached by Captain Traal who asks "Marcus" to kill Prince Denid and "Loren" which "Marcus" agrees to. At this point, we learn that Captain Traal, Zelor, and Anod are all intent on remaining in power. Additionally, the regent Zelor is going to also kill Captain Traal and Anod and frame Marcus.
The next day, a pre-coronation hunt takes place where the hunters ride large frog-like creatures called Ycaqts and chase small rodent-like creatures called Mrids. Participants include Prince Denid, Prince Anod, regent Zelor, Korl Marcus, Loren, and Captain Traal. While this hunt is taking place, C-3PO and R2-D2 have taken Jedidiah to a medical droid to learn he cannot be cured.
From the start of the hunt, duplicity occurs. Denid and "Loren" are resting near a river where Traal asks "Marcus" to kill them. Luke refuses, but is shot at by Zelor and Anod. Anod also shoots and renders Denid and Leia unconscious. Luke pulls out his lightsaber and disarms Anod but is immediately recognized by Captain Traal.&nbbsp; Zelor takes a shot at Traal, who shoots and kills Anod. Luke is chased by Zelor. Luke decides to draw upon the Force which immediately causes Jedidiah to react. Jedidiah mounts a Ycaqts to rescue Luke. Meanwhile, Zelor sneaks up on Luke to kill him, but Luke counters at the last moment with his lightsaber. While this is happening, Captain Traal is about to kill Luke when Jedidiah appears and takes the shot meant for Luke. Luke kills Zelor and knocks Traal out. A recovered Denid and Leia appear as Luke lifts Jedidiah's lifeless body:
Princess Leia: D-Denid? What happened?
Prince Denid: Anod tried to kill us, Leia ... but he must have set his blaster on stun! Poor Anod ... he was always the loser!
Luke Skywalker: He's not the only one, Prince ... Somehow, this valiant old man found the strength and the wits to save my life ... but lost his ... He did that for me ... though I scorned and derided him in my heart! He lost his life, and I lost him! Excuse me ... we losers would like to be alone!
On the final page, Leia and Luke depart Velmor. Prior to making the jump to hyperspace, a coffin holding Jedidiah is jettisoned into space and Luke gives a eulogy:
Luke Skywalker: I thought you were just a crazy old man. But I was wrong. Your was the soul of a true Jedi Knight ... the last Jedi ... I pray that I meet death as valiantly as you did ... May the Force be with you, Jedi ... forever!
There are a lot of coincidences which is typical for a story like this. One has to assume the distress signal was only recently repaired and activated. It conveniently allowed Prince Denid to be rescued and returned to his homeworld on the same day his brother was to be coronated. Zelor just happens to be good at dueling and tries to kill Luke using his laser sword instead of shooting him in the back. The alien that Luke scorns being named Jedidiah with the short form of his name being Jedi is another coincidence.
Throughout the story, Luke is out of character. First, his disdain for Jedidiah is not typical Luke behavior. Additionally, there are strong hints that Leia and Denid are involved which Luke reacts to very childishly. In The Empire Strikes Back Luke's character grew beyond the immaturity he displays here.

Captain Traal is the first female Imperial in any Star Wars story. As is the case for most Imperial officers, she is self-serving and only thinks about amassing power. The difference between Traal and her male counterparts is she uses her feminine wiles to attempt to sway others to do her bidding as she does with Luke several times in the story.
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