Monday, October 30, 2017

Retro Foreign

Swedish Stjärnornas Krig Album #5

Sista Varningen or Last Warning is the fifth Star Wars album released by Semic Press for Swedish readers.  The stories found inside feature the House of Tagge whose family members are antagonist to our heroes.  They are from Marvel Star Wars #25, 26, and 31 - 34.

Stjärnornas Krig Album #5a - Semic Press, Sweden (1981)
contains Star Wars #25, 26, 31 - 34
The cover artwork is different than the artwork found on the U.S. covers and is done by the Norwegian Bjørn Morisse.  Morisse was already an accomplished musician and cartoonist before he provided the artwork for this cover.  As a musician he was a member of the band The Young Norwegians and he is best known for his comic strip Glåmrik.  Glåmrik was published from 1972 through 1975 and revived in 1979.  This comic strip about Vikings was abruptly ended with a strip that disturbingly suggested the American television mini-series Holocaust about Jews during World War II should be called "Judes on Toast", a mispelling of "Jews on Toast".

The cover artwork looks like art that can be found in amateur indie publications.  Luke Skywalker, C-3PO, and R2-D2 are in the foreground, near one of the conductor towers used for the Omega Frost weapon.  Overhead are TIE Fighters and in the background is a visage of Baron Orman Tagge, the head of the House of Tagge.  I'm not particularly keen on the artwork, although I do appreciate the detail put into it.  Most importantly however, it is artwork that was not published in the U.S., so it is unfamiliar to U.S. readers.

Interestingly, album #4 contained the Empire Strikes Back adaptation and this album publishes issues that were printed in the U.S. prior to the adaptation.

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