- Twilight of the Apprentice (season 2 episodes 21-22)
- The Holocrons of Fate (season 3 episode 3)
- Visions and Voices (season 3 episode 11)
- Twin Suns (season 3 episode 20)
This fumetti-style comic contains panels that are stills from the episodes and, while the pages are in color, this book suffers from the muddy look that previous Cinestory offerings had. Even so, the price is not bad for the content. We get all the stories from the Rebels animated series that feature the character Maul, introduced and seemingly killed in The Phantom Menace movie and brought back in The Clone Wars animated series. (Interestingly, the idea of reviving Maul was first presented in a comic book, Dark Horse's Star Wars: Visionaries original graphic novel). The final story in the book, Twin Suns, is particularly powerful as it contains the final confrontation between Maul and Obi-Wan Kenobi in the desert of Tatooine.

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