It is surprising how little content emerged for the highly successful Rogue One movie. There were the standard tie-in books around the time the movie was released including the prequel book Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel in December 2016. Two other books, Rebel Rising focusing on Jyn Erso and Guardian of the Whills featuring Chirrut and Baze were released in May 2017. Marvel published the Rogue One adaptation starting in April 2017 and another adaptation was published by IDW Publishing in December 2017.
A one-shot published by Marvel in August 2017 rounds out the comic book offerings for Rogue One. Rogue One - Cassian & K-2SO Special #1 tells the story of how Cassian Andor meets K-2SO. Accompanied by fellow spies Kertas and Rismor, Cassian travels to the planet Wecacoe on a mission for the Rebellion. At Storage Facility 47 housing the Imperial cruiser they hope to extract Imperial security protocols from, the Rebels trip an alarm attracting the attention of Stormtroopers. As the Stormtroopers search the facility, Cassian attempts to deactivate a KX-series security droid, but his knowledge of where the kill switch is located is outdated and it takes the intervention of Kertas and Rismor to shutdown the droid. The trio successfully reprogram K-2SO and plan to use the droid to return to their ship. On the way, they encounter Stormtroopers and a fire fight breaks out. As they race back to their ship they see it is surround by Imperials. Kertas and Rismor tell Cassian the droid has the needed intel and run away followed by the Imperials. The ship explodes, so Cassian and K-2SO secure another ship and successfully escape. On the planet, Kertas and Rismor successfully blend in with the population, also having escaped the Imperials.

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Cassian Andor: K-2SO. I am in command. Here are your new orders. You're going to lead us to our ship. If anyone tries to stop us, including any other droids or Stormtroopers, you take them out. Understand?
K-2SO: Yes, I understand. I am to lead you to your ship.
Cassian Andor: And if anyone interferes?
K-2SO: I will, as you say, "take them out."
Cassian Andor: Good. That's very good.
Outside the facility, they run into Stormtroopers which results in this exchange:
Stormtrooper: Where are you going? All security detail is gathering at Storage Facility 47.
K-2SO: I'm escorting these three Rebel spies to their ship.
Stormtrooper: You're what?!
K-2SO: But I have to warn you: if you try to stop me, I'm going to take you both out.
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