The idea of Darth Vader disobeying the Emperor was also explored in the Expanded Universe. One such example is in the one-shot, Purge - The Hidden Blade. The Empire's Tremor Base is dedicated to the construction of AT-AT Walkers on the planet Otavon XII. The native Otavi are fighting the Imperial occupation of their planet, disrupting the work, and Darth Vader is sent to hasten the construction. Vader has been repelling Otavi attacks on the base, allowing General Crik to concentrate on the work. Vader is clearly frustrated by the assignment, feeling it is beneath him.
Darth Vader: I've lost contact with the squad searching for the Ovani's leader --
Emperor: You were sent to hasten construction of the Walkers, not pursue the natives.
Darth Vader: Both seem a poor use of my training.
Emperor: You forget your place, Lord Vader. Your obsession with the Jedi has clouded your judgment.
Darth Vader: I do sense a powerful presence here, my Master. I am sure of it.
Emperor: You will remain at Tremor Base until the Walkers are complete. If you defy my orders again, you may never leave.
Darth Vader: As you wish, my Master.
When a wounded troop from the squad returns to the base and informs Vader that there is a Jedi with the Otavi, Darth Vader sets out to kill the Jedi. Vader finds the Jedi's Padawan first who reveals where the Jedi is prior to Vader killing him. Next, he is attacked by Otavi who deploy a subsonic frequency sound emitter that calls a large creature, a Sugati, that attacks Vader. Vader is able to control the creature's mind and uses the creature to travel further from the base to where the Jedi is. The Sugati is lured away by another sound emitter while Vader attacks the Jedi, slicing the Jedi's lightsaber in two. The Jedi surprises Vader when he pulls out another blade and attacks Vader, causing Vader to drop his lightsaber. Vader reveals he has the Padawan's lightsaber and fatally thrusts it into the Jedi's abdomen. These are the overt references to the title of the story, hidden blades, but another more subtle reference is revealed when Vader returns to the base to see it was overrun by the Otavi with the help of the monstrous Sugati. As Vader is overlooking the destruction, the Emperor flanked by his Royal Guard appears and tells Vader to "meditate on your failure here" and leaves on his shuttle. The Jedi had used another hidden blade successfully, the Otavi attack on the base, while Vader was distracted in his pursuit of him.


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