In Star Wars: Darth Vader #1, Darth Vader asks Jabba the Hutt for the use of his best bounty hunters and is sent Boba Fett and Black Krrsantan. Vader tasks Boba Fett with finding Luke Skywalker. At this point, Vader does not know Luke's name, but does provide Fett with information to help in the search. Black Krrsantan's mission is to bring an agent the Emperor is secretly meeting with to Vader. Krrsantan successfully delivers the secret agent Doctor Cylo IV to Vader in issue #4.

1st appearance of Black Krrsantan
Krssantan's first cover appearance would not occur until Star Wars: Vader Down #1. Two variant covers feature Krssantan, the Mile High Comics and ZBOX exclusives. The Mile High Comics exclusive cover drawn in a cartoony style by Katie Cook shows Krssantan with Vader, Doctor Aphra, 0-0-0, BT-1, and Stormtroopers facing off against our heroes. The ZBOX exclusive cover is a montage of characters surrounding Vader, including a visage of Krssantan.

Mile High Comics exclusive
1st cover appearance of Black Krrsantan

ZBOX exclusive
1st cover appearance of Black Krrsantan
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