Thursday, October 3, 2024

Retro Dark Horse

Star Wars (1998) #10

Star Wars #10 introduces A'Sharad Hett who would become Darth Krayt.  This fourth issue in the "Outlander: The Exile of Sharad Hett" picks up where the last issue left off.  Ki-Adi-Mundi is being attacked by a krayt dragon while the Tusken Raider clan led by Sharad Hett is watching from a ledge overhead.  Ki-Adi-Mundi and Sharad are exchanging words when Ki-Adi-Mundi distracts the dragon by moving her eggs to a lower area of the cavern.  Soon, the dragon emerges from the pit while Ki-Adi-Mundi explains he was sent by Yoda and Eeth Koth.  Upon hearing Koth sent Ki-Adi-Mundi, Sharad and A'Sharad Hett both jump off the ledge to attack the dragon.   In order for A'Sharad Hett to be initiated as a warrior of the clan however, he must deliver the killing stroke to the krayt dragon with a gaderffii stick.  After an intense battle that draws in other Tuskens with one losing his hand, A'Sharad is victorious.  To end the ritual, Sharad hands his son a lightsaber which A'Sharad uses to slice open the dragon to retrieve an orb.

Afterwards, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Sharad Hett hold proper introductions.  Sharad explains that A'Sharad is his son and his Padawan and they were at the cave for as an initiation rite for his son.  Sharad also claims to be a Tusken Raider and a Jedi.  Ki-Adi-Mundi tells Sharad about his exploits with Jabba's henchmen and Sharad says that Jabba is behind the proliferation of weapons being smuggled onto Tatooine.  As they mount Banthas and leave the cave, the Tusken who lost his hand is seen committing suicide similar to the Japanese ritual of seppuku.

Later Aurra Sing comes across the dead Tusken Raider at the cave entrance and realizes the two Jedi are now together.  She is attacked by womp rats which she gleefully kills.  She then mounts her speederbike and heads off after the Jedi.

Star Wars #10a (September 1999)
Star Wars #10b (September 1999)
This issue is heavy on exposition but does a good job weaving in action segments which is paramount for a good Star Wars story.  The highlight of this issue continues to be the indepth exploration of Tusken Raiders.  Aurra Sing's appearance forshadows the upcoming encounter with the Jedi.

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