The story The Day After the Death Star! is a poignant story that teaches Luke Skywalker a lesson about his Imperial enemies. Luke wants to let off steam after the celebration of the destruction of the Death Star and takes his crippled X-Wing along with R2-D2 for a ride. While day dreaming, he is interrupted by a stray TIE Fighter from the battle. Luke is forced to ram his X-Wing into the TIE Fighter and both ships crash in the jungles of Yavin IV. Luke's X-Wing crashes into a lake, not unlike his crash on Dagobah. As he emerges from the water, he is attacked by the TIE Fighter pilot. Luke does not have his blaster, so is forced to fight the pilot hand-to-hand. They both tumble into the lake where the fully clothed pilot is intent on drowning Luke, but Luke is able to break the pilot's air hose. As the Imperial begins to drown, Luke pulls him from the water, intent on killing him. Before Luke can deliver the killing blow, the pilot's helmet slips off and Luke realizes:
Luke Skywalker: I... never thought beyond the glory, the adventure. But this is part of it, too! The enemy's not just armor or a spacecraft. They live, breath... like you! Kill when it can be avoided... and you're no better than them at their worst!

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