Jedi Council member Ki-Adi-Mundi is sent to Tatooine to learn why Jedi Knight Sharad Hett has reappeared leading a Tusken Raider attack on Anchorhead. Sharad Hett, a Jedi hero, was presumed dead years earlier. On Tatooine, Ki-Adi-Mundi is trapped by a Krayt Dragon when Sharad's war party encounters him. Upon learning that his former master Eeth Koth sent Ki-Adi-Mundu, Sharad and his 15 year old son, A'Sharad Hett, attack the Krayt Dragon and A'Sharad is left on his own to finish the creature. The Tusken Raiders were hunting the Krayt Dragon as an initiation of A'Sharad as a warrior to the Jundland Tusken clan. Sharad has been training A'Sharad as his Jedi padawan. Unfortunately, shortly after Ki-Adi-Mundi learns why Sharad is leading the Tusken Raiders, Sharad Hett is killed along with much of his clan and A'Sharad returns with Ki-Adi-Mundi to Coruscant to become his padawan. A'Sharad Hett would appear in several more stories in the Star Wars and Star Wars: Republic titles.

1st appearance of A'Sharad Hett

1st appearance of Darth Krayt

Darth Krayt revealed to be A'Sharad Hett
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