Saturday, September 7, 2024


The universe is expanding. - Alvy Singer

This month, Marvel Comics is ending their ongoing Star Wars and Darth Vader titles which will take us up to the Return of the Jedi.  Longtime Star Wars comic fans have seen stories in the period between A New Hope and Return of the Jedi so many times now: the original 1977 Marvel title, the newspaper stories, the Dark Horse Empire and Rebellion titles, and finally the modern Marvel titles.  I'm not opposed to having more stories with the original trilogy heroes, but moving beyond the original trilogy, beyond the nine part Skywalker saga, is necessary for the health of the brand.  Let Dave Filoni and Jon Favreau fill in the timeline between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens and unshackle Marvel so they can innovate without restrictions.

The High Republic titles have been standouts in an otherwise repetitive landscape, but even those have limitations due to the coordinate for the different media partners.  I don't know if Lucasfilm is dictating this, but Marvel needs to carve out a piece of the Star Wars galaxy far removed from what is familiar.  We need new characters and situations set in different places and times.  Dark Horse did this numerous times through their stewardship of the brand and Star Wars fans are richer for it.  Lucasfilm should be treating the comics as a proving ground for new ideas, new characters, and new eras.  Some of the most beloved stories and characters from Dark Horse came from titles far removed from the original trilogy.  Who is the next Nomi Sunrider, Ulic Qel-Droma, Exar Kun, Zayne Carrick, or Dass Jennir?  Why not utilize the unbound potential of comics to experiment and discover new stories and new situations that will enthrall Star Wars fans?

The Star Wars universe can be enormous.  In fact, we know from the New Jedi Order novels and reinforced by revelations in the Ahsoka television series, we are not even confined to just the one galaxy to tell stories.  It is time for Marvel to open up and explore.

I love the Star Wars universe.  I love the Star Wars comics.  But I want to see the universe grow.

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