Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Retro Dark Horse

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison #1

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison is a 5-part mini-series published by Darth Horse Comics starting in May 2012.  The story is narrated by Laurita Tohm who begins the first issue as a cadet in the first graduating class of the combined Imperial Academies.  Tohm is shown to be disfigured, missing his left arm and the left side of his face is terribly scarred.  He is on Coruscant attending the graduation ceremony which is officiated by General Gentis, his academy's headmaster, as Darth Vader and Palpatine observe from behind the podium.  Tohm is presented as the valedictorian from Raithal and assigned the rank of lieutenant.

After the ceremony, Tohm is persuaded by his friends and fellow graduates, Ensign Caul and Shens, to attend the celebration gala.  Tohm takes advantage of the situation to socialize with his superiors where he learns from Gentis he has been assigned to Grand Moff Tarkin's fleet.  Following the party, the three friends leave and Caul and Shen talk Tohm into boarding a prototype fighter.  It turns out this is a ruse and they lock Tohm into the craft for his own protection and they leave.  Unable to unlock the hatch, Tohm initiates the emergency eject sequence to escape the craft.  As the pilot seat descends into the city below, Tohm witnesses explosions all around and he lands in the middle of a battle between Clone Troopers and helmeted enemies.  A Clone Trooper rescues Tohm as he witnesses Darth Vader attacking the enemy.  Tohm's takes the Clone Trooper's sidearm and rushes to assist Vader.  He stops at a fallen enemy and removes the facemask.  The enemy is revealed to be his friend Shens.  Shen utters: "Tohm... if you were ever loyal to Headmaster Gentis, you have to help us... ...help us kill the emperor."

Despite his name appearing on the title of this series, Darth Vader only appears in five panels throughout the first issue.  I am a big fan of using Vader sparringly which is indicative of how Marvel Comics used him for most of their original run.  When Vader shows up, his presence is meaningful and his actions have impact on the events he finds himself in.  For his enemies, his presence conveys dread and for his allies, fear, pride, and respect.

The standard cover by Dave Wilkins shows Vader's visage over a planet being orbitted by a Star Destroyer.

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison #1a - Dark Horse Comics, U.S. (May 2012)
An alternate cover was provided by Tsuneo Sanda and shows Vader on Coruscant in front of a wrecked spacecraft, perhaps a V-Wing fighter.  A dead Clone Trooper is in the foreground and while this cover is not taken directly from any scene in the comic, it does depict a scenario that could have happened just off panel.

Star Wars: Darth Vader and the Ghost Prison #1b - Dark Horse Comics, U.S. (May 2012)

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