Monday, September 9, 2024

Modern Marvel

Star Wars: Darth Vader Annual #2

Darth Vader Annual #2 is a hidden gem for fans of Rogue One and I immensely enjoyed this comic.  An Imperial shuttle hosting Governor Wilhuff Tarkin lands at the Citadel Tower on Scarif.  The Imperials at the base are surprised by Tarkin's visit as he proceeds swiftly to the data vaults.  Inside, Vader is parusing the data concerning Project Stardust.  Tarkin scolds Vader for his unauthorized viewing of the Tarkin Initiative projects.  Tarkin contacts the Emperor who proceeds to instruct Vader to help uncover sabotage of the Project Stardust on Geonosis.

Vader meets Commander Orson Krennic on Geonosis and the pair are saved by Vader when an explosion occurs covering them in rubble.  Krennic blames Tarkin for the murder attempt but Vader dismisses this when Krennic is unable to offer proof.  Krennic then catches Vader up on the sabatage incidents that have plagued the project.  Later, Vader meets with an Imperial Loyalty Officer who mentions Galen Erso.  Vader travels to the Erso family dwelling on Coruscant and uncovers a cache of Kyber Crystals.  Additionally, he discovers an Ootheca egg which he takes back to Geonosis to confront Krennic with.  Krennic says that Erso receives shipments from Geonosis to assist with the project and suggests the egg was sent by a rogue infestation of Geonosians who are forbidden from breeding freely.  Vader, finally knowing who the saboteurs are, leads a contigent of Death Troopers to the Korakanni Mound where he dispatches the Geonosians and their rogue queen.

Later, on Tarkin's spacecraft the Carrion Spike, Vader explains to Tarkin how he dealth with the insurgents.  Tarkin is pleased and Vader tells Tarkin he knows Project Stardust is a planet killing weapon which he surmised from the Kyber Crystals.  The dialogue between the pair foreshadow the events of Star Wars:

Darth Vader: They are no mere energy source.  Their energy can be directed.  Made aggressive.

Governor Wilhuff Tarkin: Very insighful, Lord Vader.  But you do not seem pleased by the revelation.

Darth Vader: I distrust your reliance on this technological aberration.  I rely on on the Force.  As should we all.

Governor Wilhuff Tarkin: And yet, aren't you a technological aberration, Lord Vader?  Your suit is not a product of your occult mysticism.  It is design.  It is a machine.  Ah, I think I see the truth of it.  You want to be the only technological aberration.  You, the Emperor's most frightening enforcer.  Our battle station will rob you of that title, won't it?  You will no longer be the most terrifying thing in the galaxy.  And if you're not that ... then what are you?

Darth Vader: Be careful Governor Tarkin.  If you invest too much of yourself in this battle station... it may end up your tomb.

Governor Wiluff Tarkin: Is that a threat, Lord Vader?

Darth Vader: No, Governor.  Merely a prediction.

The story concludes on Alpinn, where Lyra Erso, Galen Erso's wife, is mining Kyber Crystals.  A droid enters and warns her if she and Galen continue their work, countless galactic citizens will die.  She quickly evacuates the planet to retrieve Galen and her daughter Jyn Erso because she fears they will need to go into hiding.

The standard cover for the Darth Vader annual is the superior cover and can be attributed to the interior story.  Vader is standing on Geonosis, the Death Star in the background, as he is flanked by Imperial Death Troopers.

Star Wars: Darth Vader Annual #2a - Marvel Comics, U.S. (July 2018)
The variant cover for this annual is by Rahzzah.  Rahzzah has produces some truly beautiful covers over the years, but unfortunately, while this cover is competent, it is genericly bland.

Star Wars: Darth Vader Annual #2b - Marvel Comics, U.S. (July 2018)
Rahzzah variant

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