Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Retro Dark Horse

Star Wars (1998) #8

Star Wars (1998) #8 is the second issue of the six part storyline titled "Outlander: The Exile of Sharad Hett".  Ki-Adi-Mundi is packed and waiting for his ride to Tatooine when he is visited by a jedi called The Dark Woman.  They briefly chat about Ki-Adi-Mundi's accomplishment of serving on the the 12-member Jedi Council as a Jedi Knight instead of a Master and The Dark Woman's past failure as a Master to a female Padawan.  The Dark Woman also tells Ki-Adi-Mundi of her premonition that he will face great danger on Tatooine.

The next day on Tatooine, Aurra Sing is torturing patrons at a cantina in Mos Eisley.  Once of her victims calls her a Jedi which prompts a violent response of "I'm not a Jedi!".  She leave the establishment to stake out a docking bay and spots Ki-Adi-Mundi arriving on Tatooine.  Ki-Adi-Mundi meets one of Jabba's men outside and Aurra Sing immediately recognizes the Cerean.  At Jabba's Palace, Ki-Adi-Mundi and Jabba exchange tense words as Ki-Adi-Mundi is not happy with the previous incident where Jabba captured his daughter.  Ki-Adi-Mundi asks for safe passage on Tatooine which Jabba freely offers.  Jabba further offers a skiff for transportation and four henchmen to assist the Jedi.  Ki-Adi-Mundi accepts the offer and Aurra Sing stealthily follows them out to the desert from her speeder bike.  In the desert, a sandstorm approaches and Ki-Adi-Mundi realizes too late that Jabba has set him up.  He is attacked by Jabba's minions as the storm intensifies.

Ken Kelly provides the cover.  Ki-Adi-Mundi is fighting one of Jabba's goons on the skiff while the sandstorm is approaching.

Star Wars #8b - Dark Horse Comics, U.S. (July 1999)
Fans joke about how the supposedly remote planet of Tatooine is arguably the setting for more stories than any other planet in Star Wars.  Despite this six part series being one of those stories, it is one of the first comic books to detail lore about the Tusken Raiders.

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