Saturday, September 14, 2024

Comic Connection

British Star Wars Weekly #104 and Star Wars Tales #11

When two comic stories told decades apart by different companies have a connection, I cannot help but appreciate the callback.  Giles Durane, a weapons master, is introduced in British Star Wars Weekly #104 way back in 1980.  In the story, he is hired by Bail Organa to train Princess Leia Organa in using weapons.

Star Wars Weekly #104a - Marvel Comics, England (February 20, 1980)
In a story titled The Princess Leia Diaries from Star Wars Tales #11 published in 2002, Giles Duane is shown training Princess Leia to use a blaster in two panels.  His name is used in a blurb:

I've also been training with Giles Durane, a weapons master--- which I have to tell you is a LOT more fun than being "a lady"!  It's as if my father is preparing me for something... I just don't know what.

Star Wars Tales #11a - Dark Horse Comics, U.S. (March 2002)

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