Monday, September 16, 2024

Modern Marvel

Star Wars: Lando #2

Star Wars: Lando #2 continues where the first issue left off.  Before leaving the Castell System, the stolen personal space craft of Emperor Palapatine, piloted by Lando Calrissian and Lobot, is intercepted by a trio of Star Destroyers.  At first, the Star Destroyers launch a pair of gravity-based mines, which the automated systems of the stolen craft destroy.  This attracts the attention of the other members of Lando's heist crew, aliens Aleksin and Pavol, and Ugnaught Korin Pers, who join Lando and Lobot in the cockpit.  The Star Destroyers then attempt to nab the craft via tractor beam but Lando is able to maneuver the ship so two of the Star Destroyer's beams latch onto each other causing the Destroyers to collide.

Meanwhile, on the planet Amethia Prime, we see a water skiff speeding away from an island fortress.  An exposion occurs and an armored individual rises from the base and pursues the craft.  Catching up and capsizing the water craft, we learn that the armored pursuer, a bounty hunter named Chanath Cha, was hired to bring in the alien Big String and is responsible for destroying the fortress.  Chanath Cha defeats Big String's henchmen and apprehends the alien, but before bringing him in, Chanath Cha receives a holo transmission from Emperor Palpatine.  Palpatine tasks Chanath Cha with retrieving his stolen space craft, the Imperialis, or destroy it if recovery is impossible.

Back aboard the Imperialis which has eluded the Imperials, Korin informs Lando that the space craft is full of rare alien art.  The deal with the criminal Toren was he would get the ship, but Lando would be able to keep the contents.  There is one are of the ship Korin was unable to access, which Lobot is able to do with the help of his implants.  When the door opens to the area opens, Lobot is suddenly attacked by a pair of the Emperor's Royal Guards.

Lando's eternal optimism in the face of declining odds is on display early in the issue when they discover three Star Destroyers are pursuing them:

Lando Calrissian: This time, Lobot old buddy... ...finally... ...I think we're good.

Lobot: You sure about that?

Lando Calrissian: Three?  They sent three Star Destroyers?

Lobot: Bad news.

Lando Calrissian: No, this is good.  Can you imagine how much this thing must be worth?

The dialogue is witty and Lando's personality is superbly captured by writer Charles Soule.  There is other details captured in the dialogue throughout the issue, including the intense rivalry between Star Destroyer captains and the profound realization that failure in the Empire is not tolerated.

The cover to this issue shows Lando playing with a pair of dice while seated on Emperor Palpatine's throne chair.  While not a realistic portrayal of any event in the story, it does signify the gamble Lando is taking by stealing the Imperialis.

Star Wars: Lando #2a - Marvel Comics, U.S. (August 2015)

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